Tuesday, April 21, 2015

It's not too early to plan your Mother's Day gift

There are few if any people more important on Earth than your Mother. She raised you, nurtured you, supported you and loved you from the very moments your eyes began to soak in the sun's light. Really, there is no way to adequately express appreciation for the unconditional love and sacrifice spent over your lifetime.

The best gifts, I've found, have no cash value or cannot be bought in a store. The gift I'm referring to is time. Spending time - from a dinner and a movie to an afternoon hanging out just the two of you - is probably the most precious gift a child can provide to their mother; especially once you've reach adulthood and the amount of time spent with one another gets reduced substantially due to your newfound responsibilities as an adult, perhaps a parent too.

Another way to express appreciation is to tap into your creative self and invest some time, effort and energy into a specialized gift. This can be a difficult even daunting task especially in the day and age where many things are put off until the last minute. Counting on the two-day shipping of Amazon prime or the extended hours of many retailers to try and find that perfect gift among the thousands and thousands of options available can lead to finding that "special" gift. However, doing this seems to be checking off a box on a list rather than an expression of appreciation. There are other options.

Customized pictures, a thoughtful and creative way that will last beyond the moment. Another option is Plantopia - a wonderful DIY hanging basket. Plantopia makes creating a professional looking hanging basket an easy reality for even the amateur gardener. Imagine, spending the time to create a special, customized professional-looking hanging basket for Mom. She'll tumble over with joy - it'll bring back the nostalgia of hanging your old art projects on the fridge. She'll boastfully hang it for all to see and you would've found a way to really express appreciation through the time, effort and energy you spent into this specialized gift. 
How do you do it? Well, that's what You Tube is for. 
Here's a great video on how to use Plantopia

Now, where can you buy Plantopia? It's available on many e-tailers. Here are some options:

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